Sunday, February 13, 2011

Taxi Thai

So, remember that time when I was frustrated, and I blogged about all of that? Well, tonight was one of the opposite times. I had to get some groceries, so I hailed a taxi and told him to go to Paradise Park (the mall that has a really nice Villa Market grocery store with all kinds of American food - wooohooo!)

Well, the taxi driver either didn't know where Paradise Park is or didn't understand my American accent. Either way, I had to try to direct him with the little Thai I have learned. A conversation ensued, and I was so proud that I spoke all in Thai (well, with some awkward pauses). Below is a translated transcript of our conversation.

Keep in mind that it might sound like both of us are idiots. This is for two reasons:
1. My Thai is so elementary that I'm sure I sound like a complete imbecile.
2. He had to dumb down his Thai so much that it sounds like he is speaking to a 1st grader.

Our conversation:

Me: Paradise Park? near Seacon, on Srinakarin.

Him: ok ok. Bad traffic over there.

Me: only a little.

Him: You speak Thai?

Me: a little (same words as last question - giggle)

Him: Where are you from?

Me: I am from America - Chicago.

Him: Oh, Chicago! Al Capone - bang bang bang (Yeah, that was in English.)

Me: Yes, Chicago. (Oh man, this guy is crazy.) The center of America.

Him: Are you going to eat food?

Me: Yes.

Him: There is Thai food and 'farang' (white people) food there.

Me: Yes, but farang food is expensive.

Him: You like Thai food?

Me: Yes, pad see ew, ba mee moo deng, som tam

Him: Som tam! Spicy food!

Me: I like spicy food - but only a little.

Him: I like som tam from Isan.

Me: Are you from Isan?

Him: Yes. Are you meeting your boyfriend for food?

Me: (giggle giggle) No, but I'm meeting two friends.

(Side Note: I was not meeting two friends I was going by myself. I lied for two reasons: 1) I was really excited that I knew the classifier for people and wanted to use a number. 2) I didn't want to appear like a loser with no friends.)

Awkward silence.......

He turns on an English radio station. I make a comment about it being in English and thank him.

Awkward silence.......

We arrive at our destination! I think he tells me to have a good night or something of the sort, but I can't understand. :)

This conversation is not a big deal in and of itself. But at the same time, it is for me. It's the first time I've attempted a full-on Thai conversation without friends in the car to help me remember vocab. Usually taxi rides are complete and utter silence after I tell them where I want to go.

As I get more comfortable with the language, I find myself getting more comfortable with the people and the culture. Communication really is key to any relationship, and I'm currently in a relationship with Thailand! I have to get to know it, and without being able to communicate with its people, I get frustrated and confused.

So, tonight I was excited, thrilled even, to have a conversation with a middle-aged Thai man who associated my hometown with a gangster. :) Love it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sometimes I Blog....

Sometimes I wish I could run on the street without soi dogs around.

Sometimes I wish I could explore a (good) art museum all day and start a conversation with a random person there.

Sometimes I wish I could hang out with friends during a football game, not over Skype, and that they could laugh at me when I scream at the TV because they know that I don't actually really care.

Sometimes I wish I could scream at the Thai guy who stops in the middle of the street to stare at me. "Have you never seen a white girl before? Seriously!"

Sometimes I wish I had a buddy to go to concerts with who shares some of my musical interests, or at least has heard of them.

Sometimes I wish I could get earthworms for a lab from a local bait shop, not from some random woman who only speaks Thai, and who can't tell me how to get them from her.

Sometimes I wish I could meet a guy here who is interested in me, not in a Triple-T* girl.

Sometimes I wish I could spend time with those people who have known me forever and understand my quirks, idiosyncrasies, fears and failures.

Sometimes I wish I could hug my sister when I hear she's had a rough day of complications with her cancer treatments.

Sometimes I feel bad that I think all of these things, because

A lot of times I love living here.

But tonight is not one of those times. **

*Teeny Tiny Thai (Yep, I said it.)
**Sometimes I think about promising to blog more, but I know it will never happen. See line 8. :)